The level of performance of a caulk depends on the type of product used as well as its quality. On the other hand, not all parts of a house (exterior and interior) have the same specificity. Therefore, they cannot all receive the same caulking. So for an effective caulking, what are the products you should use? Here are some recommendations of Calfeutrage Élite.
Various sealants for various parts of the house
Whether you are a professional or an amateur, you need to put the right caulking product in the right place. Here are the sealant options that exist on the market.
Acrylic sealant
Difficult to handle due to its rigidity, this caulking product is often applied in commercial spaces. Therefore, if you have joints with reduced mobility, we advise you to opt for this caulking sealant.
Due to its resistance to ultraviolet rays, it can be placed on the exterior parts of a building. In times of extreme heat, it does not melt at all, but sometimes softens.
Latex sealant
For indoor residential caulking , latex sealant is a product widely used by professionals. The latter use it during the interior finishing work of a house. It is a product made from water. Therefore, it does not present a risk of toxicity for the residents of the house. Moreover, unlike other products, this caulking paste is largely affordable in terms of cost.
Butyl sealant
For successful caulking work outside your home, butyl sealant is the ideal product. Indeed, it adheres without difficulty to most exterior coatings. Thus, if your coating is concrete, wood, glass or metal, Calfeutrage Élite recommends the use of this caulking product. The insulation of your home will hold last.
Polyurethane sealant
Classified as a high-performance product, polyurethane sealant applies in the same way as soft sealant. In this way, it adheres without difficulty between two surfaces. On the other hand, its degree of flexibility is low. In addition, this caulking product is not easy to handle.
On the market, you will find several polyurethane sealants of different performance levels as well as different colors. For example, Tremco’s Dymeric 240 is of superior quality and the physical properties of its color give it long-lasting strength. However, you can paint this sealant in the color that suits you.
Silicone sealant
At Calfeutrage Élite, we recommend that our customers use a silicone sealant to caulk their windows and doors. Indeed, unlike other caulking products, this one is classified by professionals in the category of superior quality products.
We strongly recommend it if you live in an area where it snows heavily and often. It is a durable and waterproof residential caulking product . From -40 °C to + 232 °C, it always remains flexible. This makes it less susceptible to cracks caused by extreme temperatures. Finally, it does not fade, but retains its original aesthetic appearance.
Hybrid sealant
Hybrid sealants are products obtained by combining other sealing products to optimize the properties of the sealant. Generally, it is the elements of the silicone sealant that are combined with those of the polyurethane sealant in order to have a product of excellent quality.
The hybrid sealant which does not contain isocyanates or solvents. It is ideal for outdoor applications. To do this, be sure that the product sold to you is ASTM C 920 approved. It is more resistant to expansion and contraction movements.
Residential caulking: reasons to use the services of a professional
There is no doubt that you can proceed by yourself to the application of the caulking product. Except that to succeed, you must know how to handle the applicator gun. You must also have gestures that allow you to finally have an irreproachable sealing.
If you think that you are not able to meet these conditions, it is best that you call Calfeutrage Élite.
Expert in residential caulking and insulation, our company performs successful caulking work on the South Shore, the North Shore, in Montreal and throughout Quebec. Our technicians always proceed to an irreproachable application of the caulking product. Depending on your insulation needs as well as your budget capacities, we offer you the perfect caulking product.