When you are in your home, do you feel drafts of fresh air caressing your skin even though all the exits are closed? If this is the case, your home’s insulation system is failing. You must therefore caulk your windows. Wondering why? An expert from Calfeutrage Élite answers you.
5 Benefits of Caulking Windows
Reasons to push you to caulk your windows, there are several. Here are some of them.
Energy efficiency
In recent years, humanity has become increasingly aware of the need to save energy. Indeed, the resources offered by the earth are not infinite. The less available they are, the more expensive they will be. Moreover, their exploitation contributes enormously to the degradation of the planet.
If the survival of the planet matters to you, you should opt for residential caulking. In other words, you need to caulk your windows in order to lose less heating energy. This is one of the best energy-efficient solutions popularized by environmentalists.
More financial savings
This argument is the consequence of the previous one. Indeed, if you save energy for heating, your gas or electricity bills will decrease drastically. This will be especially the case during very cold periods during which you will be forced to constantly warm up.
Unfortunately, if heat leaks through your uncaulked windows, you will spend more energy to compensate for the temperature deficit. And who says more energy consumed also says a big bill to pay. A window caulking is then necessary.
A non-toxic solution
Contrary to what many people think, insulation products used by professionals like Calfeutrage Élite are not toxic at all. In other words, you eliminate all the cracks in your windows thanks to residential caulking, but also you live in a healthy environment.
This is especially important when raising small children or when you have pets at home.
Maximum comfort
Window caulking is not only useful in cold weather. It is also during the summer. Indeed, when it is hot, you will be forced to cool the interior of your home without loss of energy. Thanks to the caulking of the windows, there will be no air infiltration in your home neither in winter nor in summer. Ultimately, regardless of the season, you keep the interior comfort of your home at its maximum level that suits you.
Great added value to your home
Most homeowners think about valuing their real estate especially when they plan to sell it. Among the work to be carried out, there are those concerning insulation. These include window caulking. This greatly enhances the value of the home even if you do not plan to sell it. It is a privilege to live in a home of great value.
Did you know that a house with uncaulked windows is often invaded by water and insects such as ants? And if this continues, the structure of the house could be affected. Very expensive renovation work will then have to be undertaken.
Window caulking: who to use?
You may caulk your windows yourself. All you have to do is acquire the gasket and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The seal can be made of rubber or foam. The experts of this company advise you to use a silicone gasket.
The window caulking operation may seem easy to you, but its success requires a certain degree of professionalism and know-how. This is why you must entrust it to specialists like Calfeutrage Élite. We use the best seals depending on the material with which the windows are made. Before any gasket installation, we always take care to eliminate all elements present on the windows and that may affect the effectiveness of the insulation system.