The waterproofing of buildings is of great importance. Different materials are used as insulation for homes. In Greater Montreal and many other regions, caulking is more popular because of its many advantages. It provides real benefits. Caulking seals are also very effective in providing great sealing. Discover all the interest of caulking joints and take advantage of good indications to make it
Should you replace your thermos windows?
Because of their many advantages, thermos windows are popular in many Canadian homes. Indeed, these windows offer better thermal insulation and enhance the safety of homes, especially for those who choose to install a double glazing model. However, despite their significant advantages, these windows lose their effectiveness over time and the fogs that appear making the view outside impossible. In
Should you insulate your front door?
Like all openings, the front door is an access for fresh air and noise. It is therefore necessary to ensure that it benefits from very good sound and thermal insulation in order to avoid any inconvenience. Caulking is the most suitable solution to insulate your front door. To do this, it is necessary to call on our company(Calfeutrage-Elite),because we have the expertise to solve this kind of
Why replace the exterior sealants in your condominium?
Caulking a condominium is a maintenance point that you should think about most often. When you acquire newly or already live in a condominium, you should keep in mind that real estate is a substantial and profitable investment. For example, you can decide to sell it, but if it is in poor condition, you risk reselling your property at a lower price than normal. This is one of the reasons why it is
Are your windows foggy? What is going on?
You are very often bothered by the presence of fog on your windows and you do not know how to get rid of it. Well! This is a problem due to condensation in the windows. To solve it, you don't need to change the windows. All you need to do is adopt a few basic practices and benefit from a professional quality caulking service. Why the fog on your windows? Condensation is a natural
Insulating your home with polyurethane foam: good or bad practice
A type of polymer exploited in solid or foam format, polyurethane has won the hearts of people looking for effective, durable and manageable insulation. Whether thermally or acoustically, this material brings high satisfaction. It has a positive impact on energy bills and the quality of life on a daily basis. Will this insulation really be useful for those who adopt it? Here is a summary of these
Caulk your home in anticipation of the Quebec summer
Caulking is a technique used to strengthen the tightness of open spaces in a house. The purpose of this operation is to prevent the entry of heat, especially in the summer period. That said, Quebec is experiencing a rather dense summer period. Caulking is therefore a necessity to preserve your home from heat. In this article, we are going to give you some information on the subject. Caulking your
Home caulking work, 3 important tips to remember
In recent years, more and more households have been experiencing problems of heat loss. As a reminder, it is more precisely all heat loss in a house. This increases the heating bill, but not only. It can also harm the health of occupants. It is therefore essential to remedy this quickly. It is important to note that there is no need to insulate your home if your home has air leaks. If you plan to
What kind of caulking should you use on the outside of your home?
In Montreal and around the world, the condition of a home's openings plays a determining role in the comfort you can enjoy at home. That's why, when your doors and windows show signs of deterioration, it's essential to consider exterior caulking. However, there are several types of exterior caulking available to meet your specific needs. Indeed, it is fundamental to choose the right type of
Brick seal repair: How does it work?
Quebec has a fairly dense climate plurality. The variation in climate usually affects brick siding, stones and especially brick joints. In winter, for example, the temperature level during the day differs from that of the night. As a result, the crumbling of the joints during the day promotes the infiltration of water into the temperature chamber. At night, the drop in temperature causes the water
5 popular types of degradation under construction
Time inevitably exerts its influence on everything that exists under the sun, including our precious homes. Over the years, homes have undergone changes in both their physical appearance and aesthetics. For homeowners, this can lead to concerns about the work needed to keep their home in good condition. Similarly, for future buyers, it is essential to consider the condition of the home they are
Caulking work: a long-term saving!
Caulking is a very common practice in Canada to clog doors and windows. Apart from these two openings, this process also seals the holes and cracks found in homes. It is, therefore, an approach that aims to take advantage of the efforts to seal the thermal envelope in order to avoid air leakage and insulation. Indeed, to solve these various escape problems, the company Calfeutrage Elite puts at
Emergency caulking and resumption of construction in Quebec
The coronavirus outbreak has forced our country, our province, to stop all economic activities declared non-essential for health security purposes that are well understood by the public. The situation in Quebec allows for a gradual resumption of construction sites. The Legault government is proposing an action plan for the gradual reopening of certain areas of activity,
The de-fog of thermos lengthens the life of double glazing
Your windows no longer offer the clear, unobstructed view that any window had to provide? An accumulation of fog obstructs the transparency of your windows? Rings mark the tiles inside the double glazing? Find the pleasure of a new window, transparent, 100% clean with flawless windows by de-debugging yourthermos. It is with the years that the sealant of your double glazing dries,
Sealants of joints under construction
General knowledge Terminology The goal Typical applications Common problems Critical factors for success Seal design Choice of materials Sealants have been in use for hundreds of years. The Tower of Babel would have been built with mortar and tar or brai as sealing material. Bitumen and natural oil materials have been widely accepted as sealants for